Dr. Berning completed a 100-question exam as part of the program, and she was named valedictorian for having the highest score in the class. She also tied the highest score in the program’s 15 year history, and was recognized at the dinner reception for her achievement.
“We had some of the best minds in the country teaching this cutting edge course”, said Paul Belvedere, D.D.S., Adjunct Professor, School of Dentistry. As a result, the University of Minnesota has become one of the premier sites for instruction in new technology and techniques in contemporary esthetic dentistry.
According to Paul Olin, D.D.S., M.S., Director of the Postgraduate Programs in Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry, there are many recently developed materials and procedures in restorative dentistry. This program enables practitioners to incorporate the new technology into their practice. The Post-Graduate Program in Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry at the University of Minnesota was designed specifically to fill the gap between clinical research and dental practice. Because it took place one weekend per month over 4 months, the program never interfered with Dr. Berning’s ongoing practice.
“It is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Berning is now among the best informed esthetic dentists in the world,” Dr. Belvedere noted. “The benefits to her patients should be obvious.”